So I'll tell you what we did. After moving all of the potted plants off the deck to the dining room table, lashing the garbage cans and grill to the deck, and moving everything else into the garage, we took a run to the supermarket for some non-perishables, stocked up on peanut butter and tuna fish.
At home, we did a ton of laundry as prep for a potential power outtage. Then I made one of my misfits from the other sewing book Eric got me for my birthday, Hamish the Bat.
He's even cuter in person! The wings are made of black felt I got to do my felties, like the classic zombie and zombie kitty I recently posted. The body is an old orange and black mottled t-shirt of mine, perfect coloring for Halloween! The eyes are buttons that I got last year from my nephew as a birthday gift. And the mouth is just embroidery thread.
I couldn't stop with one and made Mad Hungry the wolf too. His head is the same fleece I used for the elephant and the mouse, and his body was part of a black t-shirt. Eyes, same batch of buttons as the bat.
Meanwhile, Eric baked us some loaves of bread to use with our peanut butter and jelly.
On Sunday morning, I forced Meg to go out for a walk, since she'd had her legs crossed ever since it'd started to rain the day before. She hates rain. Hates. She thinks I'm torturing her when I make her go in the rain. But such is life.
For brunch on Sunday, he used it to make us French toast. I took the opportunity to rearrange my jewelry box too. And when it cleared up on Sunday afternoon, we went for a walk.
Total damage:
Soggy, annoyed dog.
Deck plants in the dining room.
One branch that nearly took out the garden. But didn't.
And some casualties of the fruit-like persuasion.
Sunday night, True Blood. In the end, not so bad!
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