Then, I started on the gifts for two first birthdays. My cousin's daughter just turned one and her party was today. In addition to a beautifully illustrated big book of nursery rhymes, Eric and I got her my very favorite children's book, The Sneetches & Other Stories, by Dr. Seuss.
If you've never read it, with or without kids... read it. It's worth the time. There are several stories, each with a message, but the great thing about Seuss is that, in addition to his brilliant rhyme and beautiful talent for illustration, he never beat you over the head with the moral of the story. When he died, we lost a hell of a talent.
Besides those, I couldn't let a birthday go by without making something for her. So I made her one of my knitted mice and this adorable stuffed bunny. I found the tutorial here.
I was so glad to have a use for the feminine fabrics; I'd won them intending to try a quilt that's just never going to happen. They were perfect for this bunny, though.
The other first birthday was that of Eric's best friend's son; the party was yesterday. So he got a mouse too, in dark blue, the same great book of nursery rhymes, Eric's favorite childhood book, A Fish Out of Water, and this cute penguin I made.
It's funny that my favorite is a Dr. Seuss and although Eric's favorite book was not actually written by Dr. Seuss, it's one of Seuss' Beginner Books series.
Now? Now I'm working on another stuffed bunny for my nephew; when my mom saw my cousin's daughter's she insisted Avery needs one too. It's in progress!
It's funny that my favorite is a Dr. Seuss and although Eric's favorite book was not actually written by Dr. Seuss, it's one of Seuss' Beginner Books series.
Now? Now I'm working on another stuffed bunny for my nephew; when my mom saw my cousin's daughter's she insisted Avery needs one too. It's in progress!
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They are just sooooo huggable! Great job!
Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker
Oh, I love your stuffies! And we are just getting into Dr. Seuss with my daughter - how did my parents miss these in the plethora of books we had?? :)
Following you now ~ I'd love to see you drop by Happy Hour Projects and link up at my Friday party sometime!
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