Friday, June 3, 2011

I love coming home to nifty things!

We come in through the back, since we park toward the back of the house.  Conveniently, delivery guys tend to leave our packages in the back on the deck, especially when they're big.  When I got home today, there was a big one waiting for me!

Of course, I always check the return address first.  It was for me!

I'd completely forgotten that I ordered dowels, cake boards, and a fleur de lis fondant cutter for my planned Mardi Gras topsy turvy cake, as well as green sprinkles for the accompanying cake pops, so this was a great surprise!

And then... a peapod!

Our first peapod!  This is very exciting.  I've never grown a single, solitary vegetable before.

I thought we also had some green beans too, for a second.

And then I realized they were really just new, closed leaves.  Like these, which are a little more open.

Still cool to see so much growth.  As for some more updates...

The dill looks like dill!

See how it's getting those hairy dill-looking bits?


And of course, the cukes, basil, chives, and onions are lookin' good.

It was so gorgeous, I just hung out with Meg on the deck for an hour or so.  I love a day like this!


Amy W said...

Yea! Your first peapod!! And your cake pops turned out pretty great, by the way! :)

Anne-Marie said...

I can't believe that big box is for cake supplies! You definitely have me intrigued with your cake idea! You've got to share pictures of your creation.

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