This was not a winning summer. June was pretty awful, in fact, with a bad car accident, a sick dog, and a sick cat that ended up leaving us too soon and too suddenly.
We also found out that we had to move, since our landlord wanted to move back "home"... which meant our house. Yeah. So the remainder of our summer, for the most part, when the dog wasn't falling down the back deck steps (or I wasn't falling down the back deck steps, for that matter, and smashing the face of my phone in the process), was spent house hunting. And packing. And packing. Did I mention packing?
Did I mention I hate moving?
Well, we lived through the summer (Though not injury-free, since not only did I fall down the stairs but also over a file at my day job, smacking my head good and hard into the corner of a wall, creating a nice big gash right in my brow. It was awesome.). Barely. And we've come out the other side after a move during which so many things went wrong it became comical, ready for our fresh start in our new house... which is currently still something of a maze of boxes and bags, but definitely coming along.
And it's a seriously awesome house. We moved a whole 17 miles north into a more mountainous town where so far we've seen not just the typical grey squirrels, but also a plethora of black squirrels and chipmunks, several deer, and one bear crossing the road. Yes, a real bear. And no, not a zoo escapee. A wild bear. Awesome!
So, see, this post isn't about whining, but it is definitely about catching up. Like how for my birthday we went to the Bronx Zoo and saw some terrific animals.
Like this rabbit.
Let me explain the rabbit and why it was so terrific by zooming out just a bit...
Can you read that sign? Read the sign. Look at the rabbit. Laugh your head off. 'Cause... well... yeah.
I got some pretty cool gifts, too. The most notable for purposes of this blog are the gift card to JoAnn's mom got me, the cool gifts Eric got me,
and this gorgeous handmade bird's nest necklace from Kimberly Kitchen of MakintheBestofIt.
Unfortunately, my jewelry-making friends are not kidding when they say it's hard to photograph jewelry. And also I took this pic with my phone. So if you want to see good shots of her stuff, go to her site.
Also in July, I did another Farmer's Market in Carlstadt.
Did it again in September too, and this time I brought scarves since it's getting a bit cooler. Photos are here. Speaking of scarves, I've been knitting a bunch. For starters, more washcloths, a couple in this great trinity stitch...
And a couple in blue cotton bamboo. This one is available at Fabric of my Mind.
And this one that Eric has appropriated.
But I mentioned scarves, so I'll show you one and save the rest for another day. It's a great Celtic knot pattern in deep blue, available in the shop.
Until another day...